Access the most popular smartphones and test your Android or iOS application.

Whether you’re a startup, a medium-sized or large company, if you’re developing applications for Android or iOS, you face a significant challenge: ensuring that the applications will work on most current platforms.

Acquiring devices for app testing requires a considerable investment. Moreover, these same devices become outdated in just a few months. Hiring device farms reduces the acquisition cost, but your team still has to manage and perform app tests on dozens of different models.

Our clients can conduct Android and iOS tests using devices that are actively in use in the market, with a team of any size, within a controlled budget, and with tests being executed whenever needed.

Our Solutions

Real Users

Harness the power of crowds to elevate the quality of your software. There are tens of thousands of testers spread across Brazil.

Specialized Professionals

Whether for an early-stage company, startups, or an established organization, elastic QA teams or hiring freelancers to conduct software testing can bring a host of significant benefits.

Continuous Quality Monitoring

Have a tool at your fingertips to track the quality index of your application.

Benefits of Testing with Crowdtest

O que testamos?

  • Desktop

    We have a wide variety of devices to test your desktop system

  • IOT

    We have various types of electronic devices for testing IoT products and services

  • Web Systems

    Count on a range of operating systems, browsers, and different device brands to test your system.


Discover inspiring success stories. Explore our cases and see how our clients achieved exceptional results with our customized solutions. Find the motivation you need to propel your own success.


As one of the most traditional names in fashion retail, with over 300 stores and 15,000 employees, that's C&A. How can a company as large as C&A offer the best online and even offline experiences to its consumers?

With heavy investment in software quality, we highlight in this case the C&A Pay + Crowdtest partnership, where people scattered across the internet are remunerated to find flaws.


One of the most traditional names in fashion retail, with over 300 stores and 15,000 employees, that's C&A. How can a company as large as C&A offer the best online and even offline experiences to its consumers?

With heavy investment in software quality, we highlight in this case the C&A Pay + Crowdtest partnership, where people scattered across the internet are remunerated to find flaws.