Harness the power of crowds to elevate the quality of your software.

Supporting the delivery of digital products that meet the real needs of your customers within deadlines and with high quality.

Platforms we tested

Android and iOS App

Gain access to the most popular smartphones and test your Android or iOS application.

Web Systems

Count on a range of operating systems, browsers, and different device brands to test your system


We have a wide variety of platforms to test your desktop system.


We have various types of smart devices for testing IoT products and services.

Why Us?

Crowdtest is a platform designed to bring together the forces of testers scattered throughout Brazil with clients who need to find bugs and improvements in their apps, web systems, or services.

It’s like being able to gather hundreds of people to test your service at the same time, reporting errors, suggesting improvements, and providing feedback as end users or professionals. Additionally, testers are pleased to be rewarded for the errors they find, rather than encountering them in their daily lives and feeling frustrated.

We are the first company in Brazil to offer Elastic Team Allocation for short-term testing demands.
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Our network of testers comprises 30,000 professionals.
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Test cases executed
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Bugs found
+ 0 mil

Enhance quality through scalable, customized solutions scalable

Boost your software testing team by relying on scalable and customized solutions to enhance the quality of your system. Develop your digital products with high quality quickly and intelligently.

Find the perfect solution for your digital product

Segments we operate

We help you incorporate software quality into everything you do, so users will have a great experience, avoiding losses from system failures.

Companies that have already saved money with our services.


Discover inspiring success stories. Explore our cases and see how our clients achieved exceptional results with our customized solutions. Find the motivation you need to propel your own success.


As one of the most traditional names in fashion retail, with over 300 stores and 15,000 employees, that's C&A. How can a company as large as C&A offer the best online and even offline experiences to its consumers?

With heavy investment in software quality, we highlight in this case the C&A Pay + Crowdtest partnership, where people scattered across the internet are remunerated to find flaws.


One of the most traditional names in fashion retail, with over 300 stores and 15,000 employees, that's C&A. How can a company as large as C&A offer the best online and even offline experiences to its consumers?

With heavy investment in software quality, we highlight in this case the C&A Pay + Crowdtest partnership, where people scattered across the internet are remunerated to find flaws.

Melo QA An easy-to-use test management tool that fits in your pocket

Swap spreadsheets or expensive international solutions for a tool made by Brazilians, tailor-made for you.