Have a tool at your fingertips to track the quality index of your application.

Make the best decisions in your development process, ensuring the continuous quality of your products.

Understand the internal and external quality level that your system delivers to end users

Through the Quality Score, managers, development teams, and QA can understand and actively act to improve the results that their applications deliver to the public.

Make data-driven decisions to actively improve your application results, without having to worry about any additional tasks.

Internal Quality
External Quality

Internal Quality

How is the quality in the production environment?

Quality score determined by the average success rate of performance indicators:

Test Success Rate

Bug and known defect fix rate

Test coverage rate of functionalities

Internal application quality score

Internal quality score over time

You can see the short, medium, and long-term evolution.

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External Quality

How is the quality in the production environment?

Quality score determined by the average success rate of performance indicators in the production environment:

Success rate of tests in the production environment.

Bug and defect leakage rate to the production environment

NPS of testers.

External application quality score
Internal quality score over time

You can see the evolution in the short, medium, and long term.

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Quality Score update

How much does it cost to understand the evolution and quality of my system?

he ideal package should be aligned with the frequency at which your team releases new versions or fixes of the application. *Values ​​will be charged monthly for a period of 12 months.

Explore more

R$ 1.990,00

R$ 3.800,00

R$ 7.200,00

Want to test with real users?

Harness the power of crowds to enhance the quality of your software. There are tens of thousands of testers spread across Brazil.

Looking for specialized professionals?

We deliver elastic teams tailored to each client's specific demand. The professional will have the capacity to understand and act according to the client's business process.